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Craniosacral Stillness Touch Therapy

Craniosacral stillness touch therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This therapy to enhance the body's natural healing processes by releasing tension and restrictions in the body. Practitioners use light touch to assess and improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, promoting relaxation and overall well-being. It is often used to alleviate stress, pain, and various physical and emotional issues.

What Happens To Us?

Unresolved shock and trauma can be the root cause of many issues in your life, affecting your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. These experiences can become held in your body, shaping your system in ways that limit your ability to feel and express health.

Shock and trauma can arise from a variety of everyday experiences, including injuries, illness like COVID, surgery, dental work, childhood challenges, abuse, and accidents.

It’s not about when it happened, but whether your system has resolved it or not. By releasing and digesting these inert forces, you can open up a whole cascade of change.

Positive Changes

This therapy can bring about a range of positive changes to your health and wellbeing including:


  • Breathing more easily and fully

  • Increasing your vitality and mojo

  • Restoring peace and balance, as your nervous system is regulated

  • Coming into stronger internal alignment

  • Increasing fluidity as your aches and pains release

  • Becoming embodied – a felt sense experience of deepening into the present moment

What Can CST Help With?

CST is a holistic approach to help your body tap into its natural ability to heal itself. It can help positive change occur naturally and effortlessly.

CST supports health in the whole body. It is a profound and powerful touch therapy that supports the body to self-repair and can make dramatic improvements to wellbeing. A gentle, non-invasive and safe hands-on treatment for the whole body. No outside forces of any kind are applied to the body.


It can help with an array of symptoms including:

Knocks and Impacts

Concussion Whiplash Sporting injuries Car & bike accidents Falls Brain Fog

Stress and Anxiety

Emotional stress Economic stress Psychological issues Dissocation Teeth grinding Sleep & digestion Long Covid

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